Interactive Online Tools
Conversion Factors
Bioenergy Conversion Factors
quick-reference list of conversion factors compiled from a wide range of sources that is used by the Bioenergy
Feedstock Development Programs at ORNL.
Conversion Factors for Energy Equivalents
Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, one of the technical activities of the Fundamental Constants Data
Center of the NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory. Measurement Converter
Measurement Converter is a sophisticated measurement conversion calculator that recognizes any combination of over
800 conversion factors, prefixes, constants, abbreviations, and synonyms.
Databases (Public)
Open Energy Information | Transparent Cost Database
The Transparent Cost Database collects program cost and performance estimates for EERE technologies in a public
forum where they can be viewed and compared to other published estimates. The database includes literature on
technology cost and performance estimates (both current and future projections) for vehicles, biofuels, and
electricity generation. All data are downloadable for full transparency.
Data Observation for Network Earth (DataONE)
DataONE enables universal access to data and also facilitates researchers in fulfilling their need for data
management and in providing secure and permanent access to their data. These needs are filled by offering the
scientific community a suite of tools and training materials that cover all aspects of the data life cycle from
data collection, to management, to analysis and publication.
Elsevier Biofuel Research and Discovery Tool An online search and discovery tool that
provides biofuel managers and research development professionals instant access to the highest level of
scientific, industrial, and commercial information to solve their continued innovation requirements.
Methane to Markets International Landfill Database
The Methane to Market Partnership includes countries with large sources of methane and/or special expertise and
interest in developing methane projects. The database seeks to include information on landfills in partner
countries, which would assist in identifying projects for landfill methane recovery and use.
Mapping Tools
California Renewable Energy Siting Tool
Online mapping tool that enables users to find contaminated and degraded properties in California ideal for
renewable energy redevelopment. Funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency in partnership with the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Waste to Biogas Mapping Tool - US EPA Region 9
This tool is designed for decision-makers with significant technical expertise in the fields of waste
management, wastewater treatment, and renewable energy. This includes businesses, state and local governments, and
non-profits.The interactive database-linked map covers Arizona, California, and Nevada, and allows identification
of organic waste and residue sources, and identification of facilities that could convert such wastes into