
Interactive Online Tools

Conversion Factors

Bioenergy Conversion Factors

A quick-reference list of conversion factors compiled from a wide range of sources that is used by the Bioenergy Feedstock Development Programs at ORNL.


Conversion Factors for Energy Equivalents

The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, one of the technical activities of the Fundamental Constants Data Center of the NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory.


ConvertIt.com Measurement Converter

The Measurement Converter is a sophisticated measurement conversion calculator that recognizes any combination of over 800 conversion factors, prefixes, constants, abbreviations, and synonyms.

Databases (Public)

Open Energy Information | Transparent Cost Database
The Transparent Cost Database collects program cost and performance estimates for EERE technologies in a public forum where they can be viewed and compared to other published estimates. The database includes literature on technology cost and performance estimates (both current and future projections) for vehicles, biofuels, and electricity generation. All data are downloadable for full transparency.

Data Observation for Network Earth (DataONE)
DataONE enables universal access to data and also facilitates researchers in fulfilling their need for data management and in providing secure and permanent access to their data. These needs are filled by offering the scientific community a suite of tools and training materials that cover all aspects of the data life cycle from data collection, to management, to analysis and publication.

Elsevier Biofuel Research and Discovery Tool
An online search and discovery tool that provides biofuel managers and research development professionals instant access to the highest level of scientific, industrial, and commercial information to solve their continued innovation requirements.

Methane to Markets International Landfill Database
The Methane to Market Partnership includes countries with large sources of methane and/or special expertise and interest in developing methane projects. The database seeks to include information on landfills in partner countries, which would assist in identifying projects for landfill methane recovery and use.

Mapping Tools

California Renewable Energy Siting Tool
Online mapping tool that enables users to find contaminated and degraded properties in California ideal for renewable energy redevelopment. Funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Waste to Biogas Mapping Tool - US EPA Region 9
This tool is designed for decision-makers with significant technical expertise in the fields of waste management, wastewater treatment, and renewable energy. This includes businesses, state and local governments, and non-profits.The interactive database-linked map covers Arizona, California, and Nevada, and allows identification of organic waste and residue sources, and identification of facilities that could convert such wastes into biogas.


Teru Talk

This site is intended to Incite Dialogue about all matters related to Waste Conversion for Resource Recovery.
Please join me.
Michael Theroux 

Teru Talk


 What People are Saying about Teru Talk:


"Teru Talk has become invaluable to me in keeping up with waste conversion issues. You are absolutely current and that is so important to explain and to understand this industry."
David Roberti - President
BioEnergy Producers Association

"I enjoy your e-newsletters – I read them religiously! Thank you for doing such a good job of helping spread the word about anaerobic digesters."
Melissa VanOrnum
- Marketing Manager
DVO, Inc

"I have been having a look at your web page and I believe you are carrying out an incredible task in the field."
Dr. Frédéric Ratel -Responsable de Propietat Industrial
Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ)

"I've been impressed with the growth of Teru Talk as a resource for information regarding conversion technologies. It's a needed resource given the current pace of conversion technology development and interest."
Coby Skye - Civil Engineer
Los Angeles County DPW

"Thanks for all the good things you're doing at Teru Talk! Your blog presents a spot-on analysis, and is helping to shed a bright light on the folks who have crossed the line one too many times."
Dr. Kay Martin - Vice President
Bioenergy Producers Association

"I just wanted to take a minute to say how very much I appreciate the tenacity with which you keep us all updated and watching along the horizon with you."
Tim o'Shea - CEO
CleanFish, Inc

"I've looked through your site, Terutalk - What a great resource. Your action items and due dates are particularly helpful."
Su Anne Huang - Market Manager, Landfills
FlexEnergy, Inc

"Thanks for putting it in writing…. excellent blog and website my friend. Thanks for doing what you are doing."
Chuck Collins - CEO
Cascade Power Group LLC

"Teru Talk is really terrific. I read it assiduously, learning something every time."
Paul Relis - Senior VP
CR&R Waste & Recycling Services




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Recommended Reading:


CHAGALL: The Recycling Dragon
CHAGALL: The Recycling Dragon by Marty Strauss


 Teru's Bookshelf


Out of the Wasteland: Stories from the Environmental Frontier by Paul Relis
Out of the Wasteland: Stories from the Environmental Frontier by Paul Relis

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