Out of the Wasteland: Stories from the Environmental Frontier
Out of the Wasteland: Stories from the Environmental Frontier: Founding Executive Director of
the Community Environmental Council Paul Relis takes us on a journey of the environmental frontier, from the heady
days of the birth of environmentalism in Santa Barbara, into the intricate, obfuscated but all important world of
government and policy, to important new environmental technologies that can, indeed, free us from this age of
Author: Paul Relis was raised in Long Beach, California. While studying at the University of
California, Santa Barbara, a massive oil spill erupted off the coast of Santa Barbara on January 28, 1969, that
devastated the coastline, killed much aquatic life, and severely damaged the local economy. The oil spill was a
transformative event in the history of the U.S that influenced the establishment of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), Earth Day and other landmark environmental programs.
Publisher: Community Environmental Council; 1st edition (April 6, 2015)
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